
27 mei - 29 mei 2009

A 3 days workshop by Zachary Lieberman, Arturo Castro and Theo Watson about openFramewoks library.

20 mei - 30 mei 2009

V.O.S.T. OV/OT explores the connections between cinema, video art and digital art.

13 mei 2009

The 3rd SHARE BRUssels will happen on Thursday 14 of May at 20:00. Come and play with us with sounds & images, or just come to enjoy the pleasure of music and visuals in an open jam. This SHARE gathering will put a special focus on 8BIT practice with guests such as Goto80...

22 april - 2 mei 2009

The Fractal Flowers exhibition presents recent creations of Miguel Chevalier: virtual reality installation, silkscreens on plexiglass, 3D stereolithography sculptures, as much as possible materializations for his fractal flowers born from the same digital code.

11 maart - 28 maart 2009

Une opération proposée par RYBN, pour recontextualiser la crise et les stratégies politiques et médiatiques qui l'accompagnent, autour des thèmes de la catastrophe, de l'instabilité structurelle et des mythologies des marchés.

22 februari - 26 februari 2009

The first day of GeoTales workshop, will propose on Monday afternoon an overview of 'best practices' in the field of geo-located art projects. With Esther Polak (NL), Gwenola Wagon (FR), Daniel Belasco Rogers (UK/DE) and Matthias Stevens (BE).

18 februari 2009
This 3rd DorkbotBRU will bring us through 3 projects into the world of networks, data flow, visualization and interfaces and how artists try to appropriate them. There is also some space for projects by hackers of Brussels....
11 februari 2009

ShiftSpace is an open source browser plugin for collaboratively annotating, editing and shifting the web

23 januari 2009

After the successful launch of the first SHARE BRUssels (more info on, the 2nd SHARE BRUssels will happen on Saturday 24 of January afternoon. Come and...

18 december 2008

Les collectifs RYBN et ProjectSinge avec leurs invités proposent une soirée à vous rendre malades pour expérimenter ces troubles, désordres et pathologies nées d'Internet avec une installation réalisée dans le cadre du workshop Antidastamining de RYBN, et des...