Digital Media Archaeology in Practice
9 april - 11 april 2015

Workshop leaders
About Ben Fino-Radin
Ben Fino-Radin is a New York, NY based media archaeologist specializing in the preservation of digital contemporary art and culture. Presently, Fino-Radin serves as Digital Repository Manager at the Museum of Modern Art's department of conservation, and as Adjunct Professor in NYU's Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program. In private practice Fino-Radin has advised museums and artists, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, artist Cory Arcangel, and the art collective JODI. Fino-Radin holds an MS and MFA from Pratt Institute in Library and Information Science, and Digital Art respectively, and is an alumnus of Rhizome at the New Museum where he formerly served as Digital Conservator.
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About Vincent Leclaire and Silicium
Vincent Leclaire is a member of the Toulouse based French computer collectors and enthusiasts association Silicium. Silicium is a French association with the mission to keep and preserve old computers and game consoles to show them to today and tomorrow's audience. Its member hold a collection of thousands of pieces renewed and enriched each year. For more than twenty years, Silicium is collecting and building an inventory of this huge collection of machines and documentation.
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9-10 april | 9:30 - 17:30: Databeheer bootcamp
11 april | 9:30 - 17:30: Open atelier voor vintage computer hardware zorg en gegevensherstel
Inschrijven is kosteloos maar verplicht voor de bootcamp! Inschrijven is niet verplicht voor de open atelier!
Locatie: iMAL
Koolmijnenkaai 30
1080 Brussel
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
Deze pagina is een archief van de iMAL website zoals die tussen 2010 en 2019 bestond. Alle activiteiten en projecten die sinds het begin in 1999 door iMAL georganiseerd zijn zijn hier gearchiveerd.
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