Tangible Feelings
16 september - 18 september 2011

EEG (en biofeedback) voor de kunsten: Workshop
A hands-on workshop about neuro-technology and art, with a focus on the Emotiv software and hardware.
This workshop led by Mattia Casalegno and Enzo Varriale will start with an introduction on EEG signal and how it can be manipulated to perform different kinds of data visualizations and sonifications. They wlll subsequently introduce different techniques and protocols to design real-time EEG-based interfaces. As exemple they will present their seminal audiovisual performace Sounds of Complexity (2005) their most recent EEG based installation Unstable Empathy (2010).
During the workshop we will present the Emotiv SDK and hardware, and demonstrate how to interface it with the Max/Msp/Jitter, VVVV and Processing environments. During the second part of the workshop, participants will design their own audiovisual tools to interface with the Emotiv technology (basic knowledge of max/msp/jitter, VVVV or Processing required).
Saturday 17th September (12:00-18:00)
- introduction to EEG signal
- beta, alpha, delta, theta waves
- sampling and digitalization of EEG signals
- real-time data protocols
- design interfaces for EEG-based media art projects
- Sounds of Complexity: audio-visualizing brain- waves in real-time
- Unstable Empathy: building intimate relationships with EEG technology
- introduction to Emotiv software and hardware
- Emotiv SDK and OSC protocol
- interfacing with max/msp, VVVV and Processing - Basic sonification
Sunday 18th September (12:00-18:00)
- Build your own neuro-based audiovisual tools: videomixers and videosequencers with Emotiv
Info & Registration
This workshop is targeted to media artists, designers, creative developers with basic knowledge of max/msp/jitter, VVVV or Processing.
Workshop wiki
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Vrij 16/09: Symposium + Opening + Concert
Zat 17/09: Workshop + tentoonstelling+ Concert
Zon 18/09: Workshop + tentoonstelling
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Locatie: iMAL
Ook uitgezonden op iMALtv
(vrijdag en zaterdag)
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
Deze pagina is een archief van de iMAL website zoals die tussen 2010 en 2019 bestond. Alle activiteiten en projecten die sinds het begin in 1999 door iMAL georganiseerd zijn zijn hier gearchiveerd.
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