Bits, Sound & Sun
dinsdag, 14 juni 2011 | 20:00 - 22:30

Dominique Moulon & chdh
For this last event before summer, we invite you to the launch of "Art contemporain nouveaux médias", the new book of Dominique Moulon, followed by an audio-visual live concert by the French duo chdh (of course cited in Moulon's book) introducing their new creation produced during a residency at iMAL.
Dominique Moulon: "Art contemporain nouveaux médias"
In his latest book, Dominique Moulon presents about one hundred artworks, using (new) technologies, by artists who are increasingly internationally recognised in the contemporary art scene. The selection of works and the variety of themes developed by these artists demonstrate that 'new media art' just is contemporary art.
Dominique Moulon holds a Master's degree in aesthetic of arts, sciences and technologies at the University of Paris 8. He teaches multimedia creation, writes about new media and regularly gives conferences about digital art in Europe. In 2007 and 2009, he was a guest lecturer at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
chdh: "Égrégore"
After their production residency at iMAL in February and June 2011, chdh (Cyrille Henry et Nicolas Montgermont) present the first version of their audio-visual live performance project.
"Égrégore" aims at using the group movements phenomena to generate complex and expressive behaviours. These behaviors are simulated and controlled by a computer, to be transformed in sound and image. This project is a continuation of chdh work on audiovisual instruments, but aims to radicalise their research.
More info on chdh and Égrégore...
Praktische Info
20:00: Doors
20:30: Presentation
21:30: A/V Concert
Free entrance!
Location: iMAL
The presentation will also be streamed on iMALtv
Media Galerij <>
chdh: égrégore. View on Flickr chdh: égrégore. View on Flickr chdh: égrégore. View on Flickr chdh: égrégore. View on Flickr chdh: égrégore. View on Flickr chdh: égrégore. View on Flickr Dominique Moulon. View on Flickr Dominique Moulon. View on Flickr Dominique Moulon. View on Flickr Dominique Moulon. View on Flickr Dominique Moulon — Enlarge Egrégore by chdh — Enlarge Egrégore by chdh — Enlarge Egrégore by chdh — Enlarge Egrégore by chdh — Enlarge Egrégore by chdh — Enlarge
Teaser picture by iMAL, based on a picture by Charlie Brewer (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). Includes content by chdh & Èditions Scala.
20:00: Doors
20:30: Presentation
21:30: A/V Concert
Free entrance!
Location: iMAL
The presentation will also be streamed on iMALtv
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
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