Media Facade Reloaded
28 september - 1 oktober 2011

About miniMAL
Media facades are not the privilege of banks and large institutions. Small organisations and groups of individuals should be able to broadcast visual contents in the urban landscape, offering creative programmes, produced freely according to their own criterias and ideas.
The usage policies of public space as a medium for diffusing content is one of the key issues addressed by initiatives such as the Media Facade Festival Europe 2010, during which we decided to build our own temporary media facade along the canal.
As the cost of LED technology is coming down, it becomes increasingly easier to find and afford screens, projectors and lighting devices that are easily deployable in the urban environment. For our media facade, we have used powerful, low-energy LED spotlights controlled through DMX to transform each window of our building into a coloured pixel.
In October 2010, the 18 windows of the whole facade were turned for the first time into a huge matrix of 6x3 highly luminous pixels staging along the canal, showing installations and animations by A.O. Antoine Schmitt (City Sleep Light), Stefaan Quix, Yannick Antoine, Vincent Evrard and Yves Bernard.
For Nuit Blanche 11, we invite you do design your own interactive projects for our media facade!
miniMAL & other low-res media facades
View more presentations from iMALorg.
Media Galerij <>
View on Youtube Finissage Nuit Blanche. View on Flickr Finissage Nuit Blanche. View on Flickr Finissage Nuit Blanche. View on Flickr Media Facade Rainbow. View on Flickr Media Facade Rainbow. View on Flickr Media Facade Rainbow. View on Flickr MFF 2010: City Sleep Light. View on Flickr MFF 2010: City Sleep Light. View on Flickr MFF 2010: City Sleep Light. View on Flickr
© iMAL
Workshop: Wedn 28.09 > Sat 01.10, 10:00-18:00
Presentation: Sat 01.10, 20:00-02:00
Language: This workshop is multinlingual (FR, NL, EN) but English will be the common language for group discussions.
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
Deze pagina is een archief van de iMAL website zoals die tussen 2010 en 2019 bestond. Alle activiteiten en projecten die sinds het begin in 1999 door iMAL georganiseerd zijn zijn hier gearchiveerd.
Het meest recente nieuws en activiteiten kan je terug vinden op onze nieuwe website: