Archives : Events

25 April 2019

In collaboration with, and in the framework of Festival des Nuits du Beau Tas 2019

2 February 2019

Our first event this year take places at Transmediale 2019 in Berlin! It will be the first of a series of European "unconferences" aiming to reach an agreement on how to keep the digital environment open and healthy. With Josephine Bosma (critic), Cathleen Berger (...

22 December 2018 - 2 January 2019

FabLab.iMAL remains open during the winter break, with an adapted schedule!

1 December 2018

The peer-to-peer web allows anyone to share data, publish websites and apps from their own computer, without relying on any centralised server or service. With Zenna Fiscella, Raphaël Bastide & Hunor Karamán. 

20 April 2018

With Yves Bernard, Peter Beyls, Josephine Bosma, Constant Dullaart, Valérie Hasson-Benillouche, Hampus Lindwall, Fabio Paris, Domenico Quaranta, Carlo Zanni.

16 October 2017

Op maandag 16 oktober 2017 heeft iMAL Les Ateliers Claus te gast n.a.v...

30 September - 1 October 2017

Relive, in real life, the freedom and gleeful anarchy of the web 1.0! The Internet Yami-Ichi is a flea market where people share and buy internet-related things; glitch clothing, captcha art, digital delicacies, collections of tweets, https condoms, and more!

24 May - 26 May 2017

In 2015 Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke released The 3D Additivist Manifesto, a call to push the 3D printer to its absolute limits and beyond into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. Projects responding to that call were later published in The...

5 April 2017

boredomresearch have been exploring, for two decades of artistic practice, the natural world through the medium of computational technologies. Their latest project, Robots in Distress, consists in a swarm of self-organising robots that monitor the environmental status of the...

4 November - 5 November 2016

An international symposium followed by a one-day hacklab dedicated to the issues at stake with the Blockchain technology.