
1 July - 15 September 2014

An installation at the crossroads of sculpture, mapping and animation film. Antonin De Bemels transforms a wood sculpture into a living dummy, that tries desperately to find out whether it is human or not.

17 June 2014

Do you want to make your own projects with the fantastic tools of FabLab.iMALYou'll first need to learn some basic skills by following our ...

13 June - 21 June 2014

In the framework of Connecting Cities: Participatory City 2014, iMAL organises a two days symposium on urban media & the smart city, with renowned international speakers. This will introduce an intensive six days workshop, where selected...

24 May 2014

These workshops accompany Mutator 1 + 2, William Latham's exhibition. The hand drawing workshop will learn you how to modify forms following the FormSynth rules. The live coding workshop will show how to generate imagery and sculptures from a few lines of code.

22 May 2014

William Latham is a computer art pioneer, internationally known for his organic artworks based on the processes of evolution. He was a Research Fellow at The IBM UK Scientific Centre, then founded a game studio that produced highly successful video games. Since 2007, Latham...

17 May 2014

Code, Arts&Crafts is back with a new formula that will focus back on its original mission: following-up your projects! Twice a month, Julien Maire & Luc Hanneuse will meet you at FabLab.iMAL, to provide you with help and tips on your...

23 April - 25 May 2014

William Latham is known worldwide since his first computer-based genetic artworks in the 80s. The show at iMAL covers an extraordinary diverse and creative career while proposing his latest installation where the audience takes part in the evolutionary generative process.

31 March - 3 April 2014

In a post-Snowden world of generalised surveillance, understanding network technologies becomes vital. In this intensive workshop Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev teach low level networking using only command line tools and networking hardware. In doing so, students learn not...

26 March 2014

with projects by Julien Maire, Val Macé & David Chazam and Yann-Aël Le Borgne & Roman Miletitch.

13 March - 23 May 2014

En mars et avril 2014, iMAL organise plusieurs workshops d'introduction à la fabrication numérique pour différentes hautes écoles artistiques bruxelloises francophones.