
5 June 2013

Reductionism in today’s art, how do artists question mathematics and genetics, approach “deep” aspects of science or have a critical discourse on it.

5 June - 23 August 2013

This first version of a series of assemblages is part of a research around versioned physical artworks, led by Raphaël Bastide since 2012. Révisable 1 focuses on making modifications of a versioned object accessible, and on the publication of its history. The artwork...

1 June - 22 June 2013

Mechatronics is the combination of mechanics, electronics and (more recently) computing to create programmable mechanical machines. This design process can be applied for example to robotics, it's also the basis of machines such as drawbots or RepRap, Makerbot or...

17 April - 19 May 2013

Overtoon launches its activities of the year with an exhibition at iMAL, partner of Art Brussels 2013. The exhibition presents new installations combined with prototypes or work-in-progress produced by Christophe De Boeck, Aernoudt Jacobs and...

25 March - 26 April 2013

Au premier semestre 2013, iMAL a organisé une série de workshops d'introduction à la fabrication numérique pour différentes écoles bruxelloises francophones.

9 February - 6 April 2013

The Electric Saturdays consist in a set of 5 afternoons of introduction to Physical Computing with Arduino, or how to create by yourself your own electronic objects in 5 sessions.

1 February 2013

The artwork Mecaniques discursives is a mixture of engraving and video projection representing a sort of machinery of the absurd and the poetic unfolding across walls like some exquisite skeleton using the principle of a chain reaction as its starting point. This...

22 January - 25 January 2013

iMAL hosts the project Eolinks Harps during the Semaine du Son, an installation of electric windharps placed on the roof and running as autonomous emitters that allow to listen to the wind's music in real time.

8 December 2012

For this last Code, Arts & Crafts of 2012, we will introduce you to two new topics, and of course dedicate some time to your personal Arduino and Processing projects.

5 December 2012

Vision Nocturne presents Cubix, an interactive multitouch audiovisual installation, further developed during a two-week residency at iMAL.