D.W.I - Clones: Felix Luque

19 December 2013 - 14 May 2014
D.W.I - Clones: Felix Luque

D.W.I (Different Ways to Infinity) is an installation in 3 parts that gathers experiments in geometry and physics, as fictional strategies to generate infinity.

Focusing on the limits between scientific modelization and reality, theory and perception, the installation plays with different meanings of the endlessness. Chaos is showed as physical and electronic phenomena, using Lorentz attractors and fluid dynamics. And space-filling polyhedra (rhombic dodecahedrons) are used as a sculpture generator.
Clones are the third part of the installation and are represented as identical mechanical machines (inverted pendulums) programmed in fuzzy logic simulating human behaviors, endlessly drifting to find equilibrium.

Technical description
Inverted Pendulums in Epoxy Foaming, Mechanical parts, encoders, controllers, motors.

During his residency, Felix will develop the third component of D.W.I. : the Clones or the two Inverted Pendulums. He has access to all the machines of the FabLab to develop them. For testing and tuning them, iMAL provides him with a working space where the machines can be deployed.

The first exhibition of D.W.I with the Clones will happen at the BIAN (Biennale Internationale d'Art Numérique), Montréal, 23 May - 1 June 2014.

Media Gallery


Different Ways to Infinity: Clones by Félix Luque Sanchez
Damien Gernay: Design of pendulum
Vincent Evrard: Arduino programming
Julien Maire: technical consultant

A production of "secteur arts numériques, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles", with the support of iMAL (FabLAB)