The Gate
oktober, 2007
The Gate is both an installation and a collaborative performance platform. The Gate connects the real life and the universe of Second Life (SL), it acts as a junction point, a door between the two worlds and two representation spaces. Basically, it is a simple window between both worlds where Real Life (RL) users and SL users see each other, can meet and interact. A view of the SL Gate is permanently projected in the real life venue; when an SL user with his/her avatar comes in front of The Gate in SL, it is visible in the real public space; when one arrives physically in front of the door in the public space, he/she becomes visible in SL and can interact with the SL users currently in front.
Video -> The Gate: opening
Video -> The Gate: acting and interacting
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Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
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