Felix Luque: Different Ways to Infinity

3 February - 9 March 2013
Felix Luque: Different Ways to Infinity


With this residency at iMAL and FabLab.iMAL, Felix is finalising his latest project to be shown in the exhibition Natures Artificielles during Festival VIA/Maubeuge (opening on  14 March 2013).

Different Ways to Infinity is about the mysteries of scientific discoveries and the fruitful accidents interleaved with the rigorous scientific methodology. Felix's approach is based on an archive of a fictitious research lab, a kind of fictional archaeology revealing strange experiments about chaos and infinity.

Different Ways to Infinity is composed of 3 parts: a sculpture made of a synthesizer, oscilloscopes and loudspeakers exploring chaos theory, a set of 3d animations and large prints showing computer-generated pictures from fluid dynamics and comlexity sciences processes, and a generative scupture built with geometric volumes or «Space-filling polyhedra».

Media Gallery


Different Ways to Infinity is supported by a grant from the Digital Arts Commission of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and by iMAL through a production residency.