Code, Arts & Crafts - Mechatronica

31 mei - 21 juni 2013
Code, Arts & Crafts - Mechatronica

Mechatronica is een combinatie van mechanica, elektronica en (meer recentelijk) informatica om programmeerbare mechanische machines te ontwerpen. Tijdens deze workshop zullen de deelnemers hun eigen machines kunnen creëren met de hulp van diverse digitale fabricatiegereedschappen van FabLab.iMAL, Arduinos en de ervaring van de workshopbegeleiders.

In this workshop, participants will be able to create their own mechanical machines, with the help of FabLab.iMAL's various digital fabrication tools (lasercutter, 3D printers), the Arduino technology and the experience of Julien Maire and Stéphane Noël.

Practical info

This workshop is spread over two Saturday afternoon: 1 & 22 June, between 14:00 and 18:00.

This is a project-based workshop, with the idea to help you actually make it! So we'll ask you to already have a project in mind when you join the workshop.

Participation fee: 50 €

The fee covers: the two workshops, 1 MDF panel for lasercutting, use of the lasercutter, 3D printing of small pieces. Although there will be some Arduinos, stepper motors and other gears for testing and training, you should bring the materials necessary for your personal projects. You can bring old printers & scanners for recycling their motors, axis, gears and belts.

Max. 15 participants

The number of places is limited, so make sure to subscribe as soon as possible! The workshops will only take place if we receive a sufficient amount of registrations. Once reached, participants will receive the payment information.

Workshops in French! (oral understanding necessary)

Registration: Via the online form

About the workshop leaders
Stéphane Noël

Digital art teacher at the ERG school (Ecole de Recherche Graphique) and web developer for the Les Corsaires organization, Stéphane Noël also works with Arduino. He participated to Talkoo, a masterclass led by David Cuartielles (co-creator of Arduino) at iMAL in 2008. Stéphane teaches in the Arduino workshops since 2011 and also supervises the Code, Arts & Crafts workshops at iMAL. More info on Stéphane's website.

Julien Maire

Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Metz, Julien MAIRE is a French new media artist with impressive works such as Exploding CameraLow Res CinemaDemi-Pas.

Since the mid-1990s, he has worked between categories of performance, media installation and cinema to produce live performative works that were hybrid of genres and media.

His installations and performances have been featured widely and internationally at prestigious venues such as Ars Electronica, Digital Art Festival, European Media Art Festival, Film Festival Rotterdam, Sonar, Transmediale, ZKM and more. Julien was the winner of the NTAA award (Update_2 biennial) in 2008.

Julien is well known at iMAL (invited in 2004, 2010 and 2012), and he will set up his Brussels workplace at FabLab.iMAL for a year.

Julien has been using CNC milling machines, laser cutters and many other high-end technologies for more than 10 years now, and he will share his experience with the participants.



34 quai des Charbonnages - Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussels, BE
(entrance by the courtyard, 1st floor)

Praktische Info

Zaterdag, 1 & 22 Juni

Prijs: 50 €

Max. 15 deelnemers

Wacht niet te lang om in te schrijven: het aantal deelnemers is beperkt (maximum 15 personen). De workshops gaan door bij een minimumaantal inschrijvingen. Uw inschrijving wordt bevestigd nadat u het inschrijvingsgeld betaald hebt.

Workshops in het Frans! (begrip noodzakelijk)

Inschrijving: door het online formulier

34 Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussel, BE
(ingang bij de binnenplaats, 1st verdieping)


Header picture from - drbo – drawbot assembly 
(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)