Tobias Sternberg
13 juli - 24 juli 2016
First steps with digital fabrication
"Tobias Sternberg is a multidisciplinary sculptor, extending his practice to installation, video, collage and performance. To all these mediums he brings the sculptor's understanding of skillful craft and material presence. His work is infused with a dark humor and a flair for story-telling, and often in a playful way challenges the rules of the art world itself. His video works have been shown at Videonale, Kunstmuseum Bonn. Tobias Sternberg was born in Stockholm, studied at Goldsmith's College in London, and now lives and works in Berlin. He is a co-founder of artists' run space" (from
Tobias is an experimented sculptor working with traditional craft techniques for wood, metal, plastic,... He never used digital fabrication technologies although his work is largely inspired by the digital world. In his Temporary Repair Art Shop project, people bring daily objects that Tobias will re-interpret to transform them in artworks. The re-interpretation / recombination / modification process is also typical of digital culture.
What happens when an artist such as Tobias is empowered with new ways of thinking and making through digital fabrication? How this will modifiy his concepts, processes and resulting artworks?
Before his residency, Tobias has no experience in 3d modeling software, laser cutting&engraving, 3D printing or CNC carving. But he learns very quickly, following a pragmatic approach, combining small open source softwares to solve practical problems. See his page on
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Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
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