Luis Miguel Girao: Telematic OpenLab
16 oktober - 18 oktober 2012
Luis Miguel Girao is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher from Portugal (living now in Brussels) exploring technology as a tool for artistic expression.
After a very successful Hiperorgânicos II at the UN's Rio+20, the third edition of the event will again create cyberplaces for collaborative experimentation integrating art, science and technology, and having as background the concept of techno-artistic-bio hybridism.
In Brazil, Hiperorgânicos III is an initiative of NANO, EBA from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in co-operation with FUNARTE and RNP. In Belgium, the participation at the event is an initiative of ARTSHARE and is hosted by iMAL.
As well as iMAL, Hipeorgânicos III participations, outside Brazil, will simultaneously be taking place at: Culture Lab Newcastle, UK; Swiss Center of Afective Sciences of Geneve, CH; School of Music of the University of Liverpool, UK; Music Conservatory of Beijing, China; I-Node, Planetary Collegium, Kelafonia, GR; and the Copenhagem IT- University, DK. In Brazil, several national and international artists will be collaborating as well as other institutions: University of Brasilia, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, Federal University of Ceará, Federal University Fluminense and Nuvem – Rural Station for Art and Technology.
Luis will be looking into possibilities of hybrid collaborative spaces and real-time information based sculpting. He will create a collaborative cyberspace using kinect: one will be at iMAL and another one in Rio. He will be experimenting using FabLab.iMAL 3d printers. More specifically, this is the first phase of an experiment on how to make a sculpture using a 3D printer that will be controlled in 'real-time' to represent the connections established during a telematic happening.
The Telematic OpenLab @ iMAL will be accessible to interested people on Friday the 19th from 14h to 18h.
Media Galerij <>
Pictures by artshare
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