«Relief» - een tentoonstelling van Julien Maire
25 september - 26 oktober 2014
Stereolithografische projecties & krimpende/uitdijende sculpturen
In het Frans wordt «cinéma en 3D» ook «cinéma en relief» genoemd. Maar in wezen bestaat er niet zoiets als een reliëf film. «Reliëf» suggereert materie terwijl «3D» wordt verstaan als een meetkundig concept. Julien Maire’s installaties verwijzen naar de media archeologie, nieuwe technologieën en instrumentaliseren de fictie door een mechanisme van uitdijen en krimpen en stereolithografische projecties.
About Julien Maire
Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Metz, Julien MAIRE is a French new media artist with impressive works such as Exploding Camera, Low Res Cinema, Demi-Pas.
Since the mid-1990s, he has worked between categories of performance, media installation and cinema to produce live performative works that were hybrid of genres and media.
His installations and performances have been featured widely and internationally at prestigious venues such as Ars Electronica, Digital Art Festival, European Media Art Festival, Film Festival Rotterdam, Sonar, Transmediale, ZKM, ICC (Japan), Empac (New-York),... Julien was the winner of the NTAA award (Update_2 biennial) in 2008 and was nominated for the World Technology Award in New York in 2009.
Julien was invited by iMAL in 2004, 2010 and 2012, and he is now permanent resident installing his workplace at FabLab.iMAL where he is one of the managers.
Julien uses CNC milling machines, laser cutters and many other high-end technologies for more than 10 years. And of course, 3D printers such as the Form1 at FabLab.iMAL are now part of his usual toolbox.
In the press
- Julien Maire Creates Unique 3D Animated Cinema Using 3D Printed Objects in Place of Film, 3dprint.com (8 Oct. 2014)
- Artist Uses 85 3D Printed Figurines To Create A Film Without Any Film, The Creators Project (14 Oct. 2014)
- 3D printing creates film without film, CNET (14 Oct 2014)
- This Animation Is Truly 3D Because It's Made on 3D-Printed Film, Motherboard (15 Oct 2014)
- 'Relief' alia antiga técnica cinematográfica com a impressão 3D, pcguia.pt (15 Oct 2014)
- Artist 3D Prints Animated Film without Film, 3dprintingindustry.com (15 Oct 2014)
- Artist combines traditional film with 3D printing, tctmagazine.com (16 Oct. 2014)
- French artist uses 85 3D printed figurines to create a film without film, 3ders.org (17 Oct. 2014)
- 3Dプリンターでアニメーションを作るもうひとつの方法, monogocoro.jp (17 Oct. 2014)
- Creating a 2D Film with 3D Printed Frames, hackaday.com (18 Oct. 2014)
- Le folioscope 3D, canoe.ca (19 Oct. 2014)
- 艺术家3D打印制作无胶片电影 你值得一看, pconline.com.cn (20 Oct. 2014)
- Julien Maire réinvente le cinéma «Relief», en stéréolithographie, makery.info (21 Oct. 2014)
- Impressora 3D é utilizada para criar uma nova técnica cinematográfica, techtudo.com.br
- Julien maire uses 3d printer to create a film without any film, artfucksme.com (24 Oct. 2014)
- Julien Maire Is The First Person Ever To Make A Film Without Film, beautifuldecay.com (27 Oct. 2014)
- L'artiste français Julien Maire intègre l'impression 3D dans sa dernière création, 3dnatives.com (27 Oct. 2014)
- Relief, Prosthetic Knowledge (30 Oct. 2014)
- Julien Maire, retour dans le futur du cinéma en relief, Libération (15 Nov. 2014)
- This Movie’s Film Reel Is Actually a Conveyor Belt of 3-D Printed Figurines, Wired (19 Nov.2014)
Praktische Info
Openingsavond: donderdag 25 september
Facebook event
Finissage: zondag 26 oktober
Facebook event
26 september - 26 oktober
Woensdag-Zondag, 13u00-18u00
Gratis toegang!
02 410 30 93
Plaats: iMAL
Koolmijnenkaai 30
1080 Brussel
Media Galerij <>
Pictures by Julien Maire & iMAL
Animation realised by Paul Jadoul of Studio l'Enclume.
This exhibition is produced by iMAL in the context of our creation residency with the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Quinzaine Numérique), Agence Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre/Danse and FabLab.iMAL.
Openingsavond: donderdag 25 september
Facebook event
Finissage: zondag 26 oktober
Facebook event
26 september - 26 oktober
Woensdag-Zondag, 13u00-18u00
Gratis toegang!
02 410 30 93
Plaats: iMAL
Koolmijnenkaai 30
1080 Brussel
Een archief : 1999-2010-2019
Deze pagina is een archief van de iMAL website zoals die tussen 2010 en 2019 bestond. Alle activiteiten en projecten die sinds het begin in 1999 door iMAL georganiseerd zijn zijn hier gearchiveerd.
Het meest recente nieuws en activiteiten kan je terug vinden op onze nieuwe website: imal.org