moddr_* finissage
zondag, 12 december 2010 | 18:00 - 20:00

With Florian Cramer, Danja Vasiliev, Gottfried Haider and JODI
The closing event of the moddr_* exhibition will feature some projects invited by the moddr_ collective: a new live performance by JODI, a lecture by Florian Cramer and the presentation of "Hotglue", a new "content manipulation system". The moddr_* exhibition will be open during the events.
18.00 - 18.45: "Trolling 20" by JODI
Live demo and performance by JODI + presentation of recent endeavors in posting/commenting on the Facebook and Youtube platforms, and the hidden activity of email 'patternForms' + videoscreening of "Thumbing Youtube"; a procedural commenting piece on Youtube consisting of over 10.000 videocomments...
18.45 - 19.15: "Hotglue" presentation by the developers Danja Vasiliev & Gottfried Haider
Hotglue is a 'content manipulation system' - web authoring software that liberates its users from the monotony of 'movable type' and web-design dogmas. The main feature of 'Hotglue' is 'free-hand' composition of web-pages; users can create new elements with a click of a mouse and position those in the browser window as they will. 'Hotglue' comes without any templates or defaults, the users are invited to create their web-pages from scratch and in their own, totally unique way. Extremely simple yet powerful user interface allows to 'collage' texts, pictures and video into incredible arrangements - all in the familiar window of a web browser!
Don't miss the Hotglue workshop in the afternoon!
19:15-20:00: lecture by Dr. Florian Cramer, director of the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam.
Florian will give a talk about "Why digital is analog", on the analog vs. digital media, departing from his 'Floppy Films' installation in the 'moddr_*' exhibition and reflecting on the recent analog media revival.
Florian's background is comparative literature and art history with a focus on experimental arts, media, poetics and aesthetics. From 2006 to 2010, he was responsible for the Networked Media Master programme of the Piet Zwart Institute. Since 2008, he supervised the research programme Communication in a Digital Age. He is now the director of the Piez Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.
Praktische Info
Closing event + exhibition: 18:00-20:00
Free entrance!
Bar open!
Media Galerij <>
Closing event + exhibition: 18:00-20:00
Free entrance!
Bar open!
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