Connecting Cities Urban Media Lab

13 juni - 21 juni 2014
Connecting Cities Urban Media Lab

Symposium, masterclass & stedelijke interventies

In het kader van het Europees project Connecting Cities : Participatory City 2014 organiseert iMAL een Urban Media Lab masterclass.

Voorafgaand aan de masterclass wordt een tweedaags symposium georganiseerd. De uitgenodigde sprekers zijn kunstenaars en onderzoekers  die de verschillende aspecten van het gebruik van nieuwe media in de stad zullen bespreken. De toegang voor het symposium is gratis en open voor iedereen. In verband met het beperkte aantal plaatsen is tijdig inschrijven gewenst.

Het symposium dient als introductie voor de intensieve zesdaagse workshop gegeven door kunstenaars Ali Momeni en Luciano Pinna. Tijdens de workshop zullen de geselecteerde deelnemers artistieke werken produceren die nieuwe vormen van stadsparticipatie verkennen. Hiervoor wordt gebruik gemaakt van bestaande mobiele technologieën en aangepaste doe-het-zelf apparaten.

Tenslotte nodigen wij u graag uit de projecten geproduceerd door de kunstenaars te ervaren in de publieke ruimte rondom iMAL op 20 en 21 juni.

Masterclass results & tour (Fri. 20 - Sat. 21 June)

Come and join us for the Urban Media Lab tour starting Friday 20 June 18:30 at square Breughel L'Ancien (Marolles lift) and Saturday 21 June 15:00 at the entrance of metro station Comte de Flandre (near iMAL). The iMAL team will guide you to the projects developed during the masterclass by the participating artists. 

Find below the schedule and click here for more information about them.

Friday 20 June  

L’arbre à mémoire by Niels Goossens / Lucia Jeesun Lee
Location : Square Bruegel l'Ancien (down the Marolles lift)
Time : 18:30 – 19:00   

Walk towards Parc Royal 
Time : 19:00 – 19:20

SuperForager by Samantha Jones / Laura Pullig / Neil Winterburn
Location : exit at metro station Parc (Parc Royal)
Time : 19:30 – 20:15  

Saturday 21 June  

Oscillating Cities by Chris Woods 
Location : between the two exits at metro station Comte de Flandre (near iMAL)
Time : 15:00 – 15:30 

Walk towards place Sainte Catherine 
Time : 15:30 – 15:40 

Home Sweet Home by Polina Zioga / Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas / Kalina Ntampiza 
Location : Place Sainte Catherine
Time : 15:45 – 16:15

Walk towards Grand Place
Time : 16:15 – 16:30  

Cultural hARitage in Brussels by Joatan Preis Dutra
Location : Grand Place
Time : 16:30 – 17:00 

Urban Media Symposium (Fri. 13 - Sat. 14 June)

During two days, artists, researchers and thinkers will share their experience and thoughts about urban media and interventions, the smart city and other techno-urban utopias, participation and engagement of citizens, urban devices and interfaces, augmented reality, ...

With: Katia Truijen (NL), Niels Wouters (BE), Mark Shepard (US), Martijn de Waal (NL), Michael Smyth(UK), Nanna Verhoeff (NL), Ali Momeni (US), Sander Veenhof (NL) and Tobias Revell (UK).

The symposium is open to the public and free!

Click for more info & register now!

Friday 13 June

10:00 – 13:00
Katía Truijen: Urban Dialogues. Media Interventions as Assembling Devices
Niels Wouters: Media in Public Space: Towards Bottom-Up Strategies
Tobias Revell: Designed Conflict Territories

13:00 – 14:30

14:30 – 18:00
Nanna Verhoeff: Below the Surface: Criticality in Cultural Interfaces
Martijn de Waal: Idealizing the smart city
Mark Shepard: Sentient Urbanism

Saturday 14 June

10:00 – 13:00
Michael Smyth: Urban Interaction Design :: Exploring the Space between People and the City
Ali Momeni: Center for Urban Intervention Research
Sander Veenhof: Augmented reality beyond the visuals :: connecting location, data and people

13:00 – 14:30

Urban Media Lab Masterclass (Sun. 15 - Fri. 20 June)

During this six-days, intensive masterclass, selected artists will develop pieces that allow the audience to experience new ways of interaction in and with the urban environment and to understand, respond to, evaluate and question the transformations that the city is undergoing.

To lead this workshop, we are inviting artists Ali Momeni & Luciano Pinna, as well as a team fromArs Electronica's Futurelab who will present their LinzerSchnitte project.

The results of this workshop will be presented in the public space in Brussels on Friday evening & Saturday.

Click for more info!

The openLAB masterclasses

In 2005, iMAL initiated its first openLAB, which proved to be a huge success. Followed the Projections on forms and spaces openLAB led by HC Gilje in 2011, and Generator.x 3.0 : from code to atoms led by Marius Watz in 2012. This openLAB is our first to explore urban media art.

openLAB masterclasses are intensive, projects-based workshops. After a preliminary selection through a call for projects, the participants will bring their ideas to fruition during a workshop week (Production Lab). The results are always documented and presented in a public event, which definitely fuels participants' motivation.

Before the Production Lab itself, the participants, together with the workshop leaders and iMAL team, will develop, refine and discuss their projects. During the production phase, a team of assistants will help the participants in the making of the final projects.

Praktische Info

Public Symposium

13 June, 10:00-18:00
14 June, 10:00-14:30

Workshop / Production Lab
15-20 June 

Public Presentation
Fri 20 June, 18:00 - 22:00
Sat 21 June, 13:00 - 18:00

The symposium and workshop take place at iMAL
30, Quai des Charbonnages/Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Brussels

The public presentation will take place in the public space in the neighbourhood of iMAL (more info later)

Media Galerij


Connecting Cities Urban Media Lab is produced by iMAL and funded by the European Union (Culture Programme). With the support of Brussels Capital-Region.


Connecting Cities Network is initiated by Public Art Lab in co-organization with Ars Electronica, Media Architecture Institute, FACT, Amber Platform, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, m-cult, Medialab-Prado, iMAL, Foundation Riga 2014 and Videospread, in association with Mutek Montreal, Marseille-Provence 2013, Aarhus University, Quartier des spectacles Montréal, Foundation Bauhaus Dessau, Verve Cultural São Paulo; funded by the European Commission – Programme Culture; supported by Streampark TV and ARTE Creative.